Our Curation Standards

 At P7 Beaute, we believe in delivering the finest and most efficacious products to our customers.  We value innovation, safety (short-term and long-term), and quality.  We work with brands that share our vision and to create value to our customers.  

Our curation process includes, but not limited to the following:

1. Reviewing ingredients

2. Talk to Companies/Vendors to understand the product and its use, history customer feedback, and allergic reactions.

3.  Review the product from packaging to material to scent to touch.  We want our customer to get the full experience in the comfort of their own home.

4. Test the product ourselves - We personally test each of our curated products ourselves to see the results and what it feels like on the skin.  On our webpage, we have a section of trending products that we provide at a discount for those customers who like to try new trending products.  In return for the discounted price, we ask for your honest opinion and review of the product.

5. Test the products by our testers - We put the product our testers with different skin type to see what their reaction to the product is.  After 2-4 weeks, we gather their feedback.  If the product doesn't achieve a 8/9 ratings, the product never makes it to this website (unless it's part of our trending product testing category).

6. Test the products by our customers - We put the product and brand to the test.  Within 3-6 months,  we will have the product listed on our website to accumulate customer's feedback.  If the product doesn't achieve a 3.5+ ratings, we will remove the product or brand from our webpage to ensure the finest products and brands are posted on our website.


The products we curate are

  • Products have strong proven results.
  • Products have strong relationship between price and proven results.
  • Products that are extensively safety tested.